Breastfeeding: Common Obstacles and Solutions

Breastfeeding: Common Obstacles and Solutions

When it comes to being a new mom one of the most frustrating things can be breast-feeding. We have gathered some of the most popular obstacles and solutions to help you and your new baby below:
  • Proper latch : a good latch is critical. Tenderness is, initially, but you shouldn’t be in pain or have damage nipples. The key is that baby should be latched into the whole areola, not just the nipple.
  • Cracked nipples : this is usually caused by improper latch or positioning. Use the safe, lanolin based breast cream and soak your nipples and clean, warm water.
  • Plugged milk ducts : frequent nursing with the correct latch will help unplug the duct. Also continue to change breastfeeding positions to assist in draining all areas of the breast. Applying heat through a heating pad or warm compress as well as a gentle massage will help.v
  • Mastitis : this is an infection of the breast tissue causing severe pain, swelling, redness and fever. Continue breastfeeding will edit and speedy recovery, in addition to rest and hot compress but you may be required to take antibiotics to heal the infection. Breastfeeding is still safe during recovery as human milk has antibacterial properties.
  • Engorgement: this can cause rock hard, enormous and painful breast. Nurse frequently, even walking baby at night to feed or getting up to pump. The key is not going to long between feedings, and applying warm compresses before feeding and cold compresses after feeding to alleviate pain.
  • Milk production: most nursing moms can in fact make enough milk so first discuss with your doctor the signs to determine if baby is getting enough milk. If not, and your doctor may suggest formula supplementation. Also take note to keep up with frequent feedings to increase milk production.
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