Simplifying Your Life in 4 Easy Ways

Simplifying Your Life in 4 Easy Ways

As you read this you’re probably saying, there is no way I can simplify my busy life. Whether you have kids, a busy personal life to uphold, a demanding career, a home to manage or all of the above, life can get a little hairy. Us women learn at a young age to juggle, multitask and to somehow do it all. Well, we recently listened to an interview on PowerwomenTV featuring Eva Longoria, and she said “someone once told me that women can have it all, just not at the same time.” So the ultimate question is, what are your priorities?

blog_baloons Simplifying Your Life In 4 Easy Ways   By definition, “simplify” means to make easier to do. Understanding what’s most important in life will allow you to achieve your goals in a clear and concise way. Here are four easy ways to simplify your life today. #1 Embrace Technology From productivity apps that keep you organized to smart home products like Google’s Nest, which monitors things like thermostats and smoke detectors, the sky is the limit. Embracing some of these new technologies can not only save you time but money too. #2 Downsize Often times, less is more. Reflect on what you’ve acquired over the years and see if there isn’t anything you can trim down to size. Consider trading in your car for a less expensive model, or opt out of services that you don’t use anymore. Purging your life of these expenses can relieve stress and make life easier. #3 Get Organized at Home De-cluttering your home is one of the most exhilarating ways to simply your life. The good news is that you don’t have to do it all at once. We recommend cleaning out your storage and clothing closets first since they tend to be the most intimidating. When the holidays come around, use that time to decide which decorations you want to keep and which can go. Donate duplicate or unused kitchen supplies to free up space. We understand it’s hard to get rid of items you once purchased, but let’s face it, your quality of life is better in an organized home. #4 Say N0 As women we are often people pleasers and want to say yes to everything and everyone. However, sometimes saying yes can be to our own detriment and we end up placing our anger and resentment on everyone around us. Simplifying your life by saying no to unrealistic projects or favors will protect your sanity ...and your relationships in the end. How are you simplifying your life this year?

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