How to be Happy at Work

How to be Happy at Work

It’s normal to feel stressed and it’s okay to second guess where you’re at in your career path. It’s also okay to feel envious of those who say they love what they do every day. But before you bail on your current job, try to implement a few ideas. You may find that you’re not in such a bad place after all. And if in the end, you had to go through a few tough spots to realize that you need to move on, at least you can say you gave it your all! unhappy working woman So sit back, relax and consider these tips: 1. Work-Life Balance: Establish a work-life balance rule. Okay so this isn’t a new concept, but have you taken the necessary steps to put this into play? Determine which day(s) of the week you will allow yourself to stay late and make sure that on your off days, you’re out the door when the clock strikes five. 2. Tell a White Lie: If you’re expected to stay late every night or you’re being taken advantage of by coworkers, or you’re trying to get a grip on finding the work life balance, then a little white lie may be in order. Have a bad back? A bi-weekly trip to the chiropractor may be a good idea. Did the daycare shorten their hours? Maybe you just bought a puppy and need to let him out. You get the idea. 3. Set Goals: If you like games and love a challenge then set some goals at work. Put together a competitive chart that requires team work and encourages hard work at the same time. You’ll inspire teamwork as well as a strong work ethic, so you will be setting a great example while facilitating a more lively work environment. Have fun with it. Create a chart with stickers or different icons to show growth. Come up with an incentive at the end. 4. Build the Right Relationships or Cut Them Loose: Don’t let stress control your surroundings. Instead of pushing yourself away from friends, start to embrace your relationships at work. Having a friend to take a break with or someone to eat lunch with, provides you with an opportunity to decompress a bit. But beware: stay far away from the Debbie Downers! Even those who start off loving their jobs can be turned around because they have gotten sucked into the vacuum of misery. You know misery loves company … so if you genuinely want to be happy- stay away…or cut it out! 5. Train Your Brain: Pain is in the body; suffering is in the mind. Only you can control what you’re thinking. Take control of your mind. Really. Each time you start getting upset or going off on a mind tangent, stop yourself and redirect your thoughts to something more productive and happier. This may be the hardest thing to do but if you can control your thoughts you can control your emotions - now that is the secret to happiness. 6. Love the Little Things: You’d be surprised to find how much joy can come from the little things in life. If you love color then add an array of different colored post-its to your desk. Enjoy those fun quirky nick-naks? Buy those funny pens with furry tops or the ones that stand up and wiggle. Add lights around the holidays or put a few plants in the corner. Bring a little piece of home with you. Get cold at work? Bring a comfy blanket to cuddle with while working at your desk. Doing all of the above at once may be a little much, but adding just a few fun and cozy elements can bring a completely new outlook on your work life. 7. Decorate: You spend more time awake at work than at home. Keep your office space clean, cozy and calming. Hang pictures, rearrange, organize your surroundings and make your environment a place you want to come to in the morning. Incorporate elements like photos of you and your family, your pets or friends. Include quotes that will motivate you. I once had a job that I thought I might not survive, and my mother gave me a post card that said “Keep Calm and Carry On”. It made me feel good to look at it during the times I thought I just couldn’t keep it together. 8. Say No and Ask for Help: Most stress comes from being overwhelmed or being put in a position that causes you to worry about failure to perform at the highest level. It’s more important to do a great job at a handful of tasks than to do a mediocre job at a plethora of tasks. Most people will take as much as you will give, and even those who are typically considerate may not realize how full your plate is until you start to say no, respectfully of course. It’s also okay to ask for help. People will respect you for knowing how to prioritize and recognize where help is needed to do a project right. There is nothing wrong with asking for help, as long as you are willing to reciprocate. Asking someone for help because they have strength in an area is flattering, and offering to assist with a task that is your forte will be appreciated as well. It’s a win-win!